The first assignment I was set was to research a music magazine. The magazine I was given to research was: Clash. This research was to help me with my own magazine design by getting a chance to analyse the layout, text, style and other aspects of the magazine.
For this assignment I had to create a power point which included background information on the magazine such as; circulation, cost of the magazine, when it started, where its sold and how often it is produced. This information helps as you can find out how the magazine changed throughout its production and how the ratings and circulation changed as well. The presentation also had to include some analysis on a couple of front pages from the magazine and a double page spread (or a multiple paged article). This is to help us understand how the magazine targeted and presented itself to its audience.
As well as this other class members analysed other music magazines and showed their PowerPoint's to the class. This helped us to look at a variety of magazines so we could see how they targeted their audiences. The magazines we looked at were:
- Clash
- Q
- Kerrang!
- Top of the Pops
This is the power point I created (paired with another student) for the analysing of Clash Magazine. It shows some comparisons between a couple of front pages from when the magazine launched to the most recent issue.
Click here for the link to the power point from robnmbec15. Magazine covers (slide 4):
They focus on the artist name.
For solo artists it is a medium close up.
For bands it is a mid long shot.
They use contrasting colours and simple colour schemes using only about 3 different colours throughout the whole cover.
The kings of Leon issue is an unusual layout for Clash magazine as they have had to change it due to the fact they are giving out a promotional CD for free.The standard layout they use is the second two and it is very simple and obvious as to what the magazine will contain.
Professional looking using mature colour schemes and the use of serif font (good for the 18-35 target audience).
The angle of gaze is them looking at the audience, makes it feel more personal.
Puff words and Teasers are used to attract the attention of people.
Double page spread (slide 5):
Clash magazine make sure that the theme throughout each article flows well.
In this double page spread about Florence and the Machine they have the same vintage theme going throughout and the leaves go through all the pages to show that they are linked.
Full page photo is used to relate to the article and attracts the attention to the reader as they would immediately recognize the artist.
The story is the main feature and the big pull quotes captures the eye of the audience.
The article is set out in two columns per page and the first page has a black background with white writing and the second page has white background with black writing, so it flows but is a contrast.
The online version you have to subscribe and pay for. If you don’t want to do that all it shows is what is featured the issue that has been released most up to date or you can choose a previous issue to show.
They send out newsletters to keep subscribers interested and up to date.
It is published 12 times a year; it has a circulation of around 40,000.
Clash, the multi award-winning music magazine devoured by the 18-35 year old, "culture vulture, download generation".
Overall this assignment has helped me with understanding how different magazines attract their target audiences and use different techniques, colour schemes and layouts to make the magazines look attractive, interesting and captivating.