Monday, 31 January 2011

Reader Profile!


My name is Ryan, I am a 19 year old who is no longer in education and also un-employed. I sit at home a lot playing on the xBox and my computer. I have 3 piercings, all on my bottom lip; two rings and one spike. You wont find me wearing much else than jeans and a band t-shirt, as I don't really like colourful clothes and this way it shows what type of music I like. When I'm at home I listen to my music most of the day, quite loudly, to bands such as; Haste the Day, Destroy the Runner and In Flames.
When I get the chance I like to go to gigs. I enjoy gigs as the music there is very loud and the atmosphere is amazing, which makes the music all the more worth it. I sometimes get carried away with headbanging and moshing though and come out a bit beaten up. I have only been to a few gigs and would like to go to many more.
I don't have much planned for the future, however I would like to be within the profession of piercing and tattooing as it has always been something I have taken a lot of interest in and like the thought of doing. This would be my ideal job as well as I don't do well with sitting down in offices all day doing nothing but computer work and also don't really like the whole labour work thing, as it seems like too much effort.
As I have a lot of time on my hands I like to read music magazines to keep up with what bands are doing and when their new albums (if they are bringing one out) are being released. I enjoy reading about what goes on with different bands, as well as gig reviews because I like to know what bands would be good to go and see live. I find that music magazines are one of the best ways of keeping tabs on the bands that i like other than going around looking at all their websites - Which can become very boring sometimes.

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