Questionnaire Results (from 9 questionnaires)
1. What age group are you in?
10-15 [ 1 person ] 16-20 [ 7 people ]
21-25 [ 1 person ] 26 + [ 0 ]
2. Do you buy music magazines?
Yes [ 7 people ] No [ 2 people ]
3. If so how often?
Daily [ 0 ] Weekly [ 1 people ] Monthly [ 5 people ]
Other [ 3 people (never) ]
4. What magazines do/would you buy (multiple choice)?
Kerrang! [ 5 people ] Metal Hammer [ 0 ]
Q [ 1 person ] Other [ 4 people (RnB, Rolling Stone ]
5. What music do you like to listen too (multiple choice)?
Rock [ 3 people ] Metal [ 2 people ]
R&B [ 3 people ] ` Pop [ 2 people ]
Other [ 2 people (Hip Hop + All) ]
6. What most attracts you to a music magazine?
| Colours | Images | Text | Graphics | Stories | News | Gigs | Freebies |
7. What would you want to read about in the magazine?
Band/Album reviews
New releases
Latest Stories
All the secrets we aren't supposed to know about celebs
Artists and their music/life
The culture of Hip Hop
Latest Gossip with bands
8. Do you think music magazines cost too much?
Yes [ 5 people ] No [ 4 people ]
9. What price would you put on a music magazine?
£0-£0.99 [ 1 person ] £1-£1.99 [ 3 people] £2-£2.99 [ 5 people ]
£3-£3.99 [ 0 ] £4-£4.99 [ 0 ] £5-£10 [ 0 ]
10. How often would you feel best for magazine to be produced?
Daily [ 0 ] Weekly [ 2 people ] Monthly [ 5 people ]
Other [ 1 person (every two weeks) ]
11. Which version would you prefer:
Printed [ 8 people ] or Online [ 1 person ]
______________________________________________________________________From the results of my research i have found out many things about what is appealing to my targeted age group, such as;
- Most find that a monthly magazine would be better than a weekly one.
- The majority of them would read a magazine like Kerrang! rather than other magazines.
- They are most captivated by a magazines stories and images although other factors still apply.
- Almost all of them prefer a printed version of a magazine compared to an online version if they had the choice.
- I have found that overall magazines are priced quite averagely as some feel they are priced right whereas others feel they are too costly.
- That they feel £2-£2.99 is a fair price for a magazine.
These results will help me to decide how I should go about creating my magazine and what i should include in it to pull my audience into buying my product.
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